Tips for freshers about job/job interviews

You have or will have first experience for anything and everything about what you once did or will be doing. So, is the job you first got or will be getting. Today, we will be talking about the preparations for you to start working in an office and secure a table and chair for you. Here is some knowledge you can gain as a fresher before facing an interview.

1)      Learn to use Microsoft tools.

2)      Increase your typing speed. (At least a little bit)

3)      Learn to use email for business purpose.

4)      Learn to use polite words in an effective way.

5)      Rather than saying just “I don’t know how to do” to the tasks you don’t know, you can say, “Although I’m not much aware about it, I’ll try my best to learn if you would help me to.”

6)      Be honest about what you entirely know and don’t know. Because, “Honesty is the best policy”.

These are few techniques to build your working habit. Gather up your strength and be ready. >Prepare for interview at home.

We’ll meet you in our next blog.

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